Англійська мова 5 клас 2021-2022 н.р.

 Тема: Nature and weather/ Природа й погода у Британії

Клас: 5-а,5-б

Дата: 04.02.22/(5-б - 07.02.22)

мета: навчити нових слів з теми, розвинути навички читання про погодні умови у Британії

план уроку

1. Task: Vocabulary

*Watch the video presentation 1 and 2 ( перегляньте презентацію про погоду)

*Listen and repeat the words and phrases( прослухайте і повторіть фрази)

*Write new words into the vocabulary(запишіть слова нові для вас у словник)

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

2. Task: Reading

Exercise 3 page 101-102 ( прочитай і визнач правда/ не правда)

3. Read what children say about their favourite seasons.Match them to the photos given above.

A It’s my favourite season. It’s very cold and it often snows. We can skate on the ice on the lake and we go skiing in the mountains. Sometimes I can go snowboarding. 
B I love the ..... (пора року яка це?). It’s getting warmer after the long winter. There are flowers and grass in the fields. Sometimes the sky is grey and it rains, but afterwards the sun comes out and the countryside is fresh and green again. 
 C I like the bright colours of the trees in .....(пора року яка це?) . They are red, orange and yellow. Sometimes it’s foggy in the morning. Then the fog goes away and the sky is blue all day long. Later this season the wind is getting colder and it often rains.
 D This is my favourite time of the year. It’s very hot and sunny and I go to the beach every day. I can swim and play volleyball with my friends. Sometimes there are thunderstorms – they are really exciting.

3. Task: Writing

Exercise 4 page102

Напиши в зошиті : Agree or disagree. Correct the wrong statements. 

1. The days can be sunny in any season of the year. 

2. It’s cold and snowy in autumn. 

3. It is often foggy in autumn.

 4. Sometimes there are thunderstorms in summer. 

5. The days are getting warmer in spring.

 6. The countryside is usually fresh after the snowstorm.

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